Insights Pulse Insights

Jun 2

Bitcoin registers an all-time low transaction volume, spot trading fades away 2-06-24, 19:07

Bitcoin spot trading and on-chain transaction volume plummeted, while ETFs and derivatives dominate the BTC market interest for speculative demand.

Year-over-year BTC chart: Price, trading volume, transaction volume. Source: Santiment / Vini Barbosa (@vinibarbosabr on X), Sanbase Pro

The seven-day trading volume plummeted below $14 billion to the same level as 2023, when Bitcoin traded below $30,000.

Moreover, the chart evidences a lack of interest in Bitcoin trading and on-chain transaction volumes, with the second remarkably low. As observed, the network registered only 722,000 BTC moved in seven days. This contrasts with the 1.79 million BTC in October 2023, with a similar trading volume and half the price.

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Jun 1

May 31

May 30

Bitcoin's Elite are Still Adding While You Sleep! 30-05-24, 00:17

πŸ³πŸ“Š Historically, one of crypto's top leading indicators is the collective holdings of wallets with at least 10 Bitcoin (exchanges or otherwise). When they accumulate, cryptocurrencies rise. When they dump, extended bear markets come. What do you think about this chart?


May 29

Shiba Inu and Dogwifhat Causing Major Stirs While Trading Volumes Skyrocket 29-05-24, 16:59

😺🐢 #ShibaInu (+12% in 3 days) & #DogWifHat (+30% in 3 days) are the top trending crypto tokens, with rising volume support. Meme coins are staying very relevant to traders while top caps range. You can expect to see big FOMO tops and big FUD bottoms with these kinds of coins.

May 28

Mt. Gox's First Transfers in Over 6 Years Has Instantly Changed the Landscape of Bitcoin's Whale Tiers 28-05-24, 20:13

🀯 Large amounts of Bitcoin have been moved by the #MtGox trustee. The billions of dollars of $BTC transferred is consolidating wallets, contributing to a net drop of 65 1K-10K BTC wallets, and a net rise of 3 10K-100K BTC wallets. This likely won't have a major impact on prices.


May 27

Crypto Thriving While US Stocks Take a Holiday Break 27-05-24, 16:14

πŸ“ˆπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ˜΄ #Bitcoin has eclipsed a $70K market value once again, while #MemorialDay has put US #equities markets on pause. This climb is particularly encouraging, as the positive movement reveals how #crypto markets can perform on the rare weekdays where it is not reliant on the primary stock market it has been tightly correlated with since 2022.

Explore this Santiment link that reflects the fluctuations and divergences between the different sectors at any time.

Grab a free Sanbase PRO trial to explore the hundreds of leading market indicators our expert traders use to maximize #cryptocurrency profits.

May 26

Chiliz is the Top Trending Token While Whales are Boosting its Market Value 26-05-24, 18:42

πŸŒΆοΈπŸ“ˆ #Chiliz is the top rising topic in #cryptocurrency following a price pump to 6-week highs. Whale addresses with at least 10M coins have added a total of 42.67M $CHZ in the past 30 days, and could continue pushing up prices with volume also surging.