Take a break, MATIC. So many records

Assets covered: Polygon (MATIC)

Metrics used: Active Addresses, Daily Active Deposits, Exchange Inflow, MVRV, Social Volume, Social Sentiment, Whales Transaction Count, Supply Distribution by Balance of Addresses.

MATIC is one of the top performing coins of Tuesday and a whole week, gaining over 150% last week. Let's see what MATIC is showing us.

Active Addresses

MATIC soared to around 14K daily active addresses which makes Polygon one of the most used coins on the Ethereum blockchain. Currently still very very high. If it can sustain this level that will be impressive, but probably it won't and these are obviously "hype" spikes. We think they are price related. Need to see what happens after MATIC takes a chill pill.

Wait a sec. It's ATH! MATIC has never been that active on the network:

There's only 5 tokens on Ethereum blockchain with

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