Real World Assets Seeing New Faces Sky, KlimaDAO, and Centrifuge Crack Top 10 Development Activity Leaderboard!

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Here are crypto's top Real World Assets (RWA's) by development. Directional indicators represent each project's ranking rise or fall since last month:

➑️ 1) Chainlink $LINK πŸ₯‡
➑️ 2) Synthetix $SNX πŸ₯ˆ
➑️ 3) Dusk $DUSK πŸ₯‰
➑️ 4) Oraichain $ORAI
πŸ“ˆ 5) Sky $SKY
πŸ“‰ 6) Maker $MKR
➑️ 7) Polymesh $POLYX
πŸ“ˆ 8) KlimaDAO $KLIMA
πŸ“‰ 9) IxSwap $IXS
πŸ“ˆ 10) Centrifuge $CFG

Read about the Santiment methodology for pulling github activity data from project repositories, and why it is so useful for crypto trading!

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