QUANTum Momentum

Assets covered: Quant (QNT)

Metrics used: Exchange Inflow, Daily Active Deposits, Network Profit Loss, Active Addresses, Age Consumed, Holders Distribution, MVRV

Today we'd like to check out Quant because it's a very performing coin over the last week and we have a bunch of data for it.

Source: Coingecko

Quant's price chart is basically what you would expect from a bull market:

Source: Sanbase

Exchange Inflow

We are obviously starting to see an uptick in exchange related activity, completely understandable. People are starting to take advantage of the rally:

Source: Sanbase

Daily Active Deposits

Are pumping to it's highest levels since ever:

Source: Sanbase

We have seen some similar spikes in DAD every now and again coinciding with both local tops and local bottoms which is interesting, cause usually we see DAD spiking at a local tops. But also there was a massive spike at the bottom suggesting people were very very dramatically reacting to the crash. QNT holders were rushing to sell quite at the bottom.

Network Profit Loss

We see a major spike in profit taking which usually can indicate a period of correction for mid cap coins and it already did. Interesting that we haven't seen a massive drop in NPL at the bottom. Suggesting that not a whole lot people were panic selling.

Source: Sanbase

Unlike the rest of the market Quant has had a large consolidation period before the pump. Bitcoin has been rallying, Ethereum has been rallying, but Quant hasn't. Now we are starting to see signs of Quant being taking advantage of profit taking.

Active Addresses

Are skyrocketing but we would suggest that it mostly because of the sell pressure rather than anything else. If there's not enough interest we might drop again. Looks good but we have yet to see if this is really sustainable:

Source: Sanbase

Age Consumed

There's also a big spike in AC. We're seeing it every now and again close to local tops. Seems like long term QNT holders are starting to take advantage:

Source: Sanbase

Holders Distribution

Selecting a group of holders with balance from 1k to 10k QNT. We can see a period of accumulation and a period of slight offloading. Actually even before we started consolidating. We are seeing another accumulation period recently which has finally coincided with a rally. This seems like very straight forward story. Currently large addresses are buying QNT:

Source: Sanbase


We are quite high in terms of MVRV. And it's becoming more and more risky as we continue to rally:

Source: Sanbase

Summing up

Looking at elevated exchange related activity, profit taking and MVRV we could probably say that Quant is starting to normalize.

What is interesting, hopeful for a Quant long term potential, is that large holders seem to be accumulating into this rally.

Until we see a complete reversal there might be a potential for a mid term arise.

For whatever reason Quant is able to completely not care about what the rest of the market is doing.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the post are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product.

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