MultiversX is Now the Top Developing Gaming Project!

🧑‍💻 Here are crypto's top gaming assets by development. This list is compiled by counting any non-redundant github activity. MultiversX has just surged past Decentraland as the project seeing the most effort toward innovation and improvement:

1) Multiversx $EGLD
2) Decentraland $MANA
3) Imx_immutable $IMX
4) Skalenetwork $SKL
5) Root $ROOT
6) Axie Infinity $AXS
7) Cere $CERE
8) Enjin $ENJ
9) Saito $SAITO
10) The Sandbox $SAND

Bookmark this Gaming watchlist, and track what assets make headway as the year progresses.

Check out our new explanatory article that covers the meticulous way we cover development activity for over 3,000 projects.

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