Introducing our new DEX dashboard!

It’s no doubt that 2020 has been the year of DeFi. With decentralized finance protocols and their native tokens recording massive growth in the summer months, the crypto paradigm has pivoted from the dull pursuit of trading coins to farming yields, providing liquidity and throwing money at whatever Andre Cronje comes up with.

Ever since Uniswap surpassed Coinbase Pro in daily trading volume, we’ve been getting requests for a dedicated dashboard on decentralized exchanges, their daily volumes, number of trades and the usage rate of specific DEXes over time.

Today, we’re happy to announce that our DEX dashboard is live on Sanbase! While the list is ever-growing, here are all the decentralized exchanges presently supported in our new DEX dashboard:

  • Uniswap V2
  • Uniswap V1
  • 0x V1
  • 0x V2
  • 0x V3
  • Curve
  • Balancer
  • Kyber Network
  • Dydx
  • Bancor
  • Airswap
  • IDEX
  • OasisDEX
  • Gnosis
  • Etherdelta
  • DDEX
  • TokenStore
  • DEX.Top

The first iteration of our DEX-specific page includes four key metrics, with more segment overviews to come in the future:

  1. 1. Total DEX Volume of Trades

Track the combined volumes from all decentralized exchanges in the Santiment database over time. Our DEX volumes chart has several available views:

  • Total (combined) trade volume from all DEXes in the Santiment database
  • Combined volume of all ETH-based tokens
  • Combined volume of all stablecoins
  • Combined volume of all other coins

DEX volumes can currently be set in either USD, ETH or BTC.

  1. 2. DEX-specific Volume of Trades

Track the individual volumes of all decentralized exchanges in the Santiment database over time. Similar to the above, our DEX-specific volume chart also has four available views:

  • Total DEX-specific volume
  • DEX-specific volume of all ETH-based tokens
  • DEX-specific volume of all stablecoins
  • DEX-specific volume of all other coins

DEX-specific volumes can currently be set in either USD, ETH or BTC.

  1. 3. Total Number of DEX Trades

Track the total amount of trades executed on all decentralized exchanges in the Santiment database over time. This chart also has several available views:

  • Total (combined) number of trades from all DEXes in the Santiment database
  • Combined number of trades of all ETH-based tokens
  • Combined number of trades of all stablecoins
  • Combined number of trades of all other coins
  1. 4. Number of Trades Segmented by DEXes

Track the individual amount of trades executed on all decentralized exchanges in the Santiment database over time. Similar to the above, our DEX-specific chart has four available views:

  • Total DEX-specific number of trades
  • DEX-specific number of trades of all ETH-based tokens
  • DEX-specific number of trades of all stablecoins
  • DEX-specific number of trades of all other coins

As is to be expected, both the volume as well as the daily number of trades on decentralized exchanges has positively exploded since early June, coinciding with the rapid proliferation of DeFi protocols.

The total daily DEX volume has officially peaked on September 5th at a whopping $1.39b, and has experienced a steady drop-off since. The average daily volume across all DEXes in October stands at $431,302, a -44.4% decline compared to the month prior.

However, while DEX volume climaxed in early September, the total number of trades on decentralized exchanges continued to grow for another month, hitting an all-time high of 209,000 on October 6th. For the month of October, there has been an average of 162,642 daily trades across all DEXes - a mild, -1.37% decline relative to the September average.

It will be very interesting to see whether the trading volume on DEXes manages to rebound in days and weeks to come, in line with the declining transaction fees which have priced out many small-return interactions during August and September. For this and other real-time insights on decentralized exchanges, check out our DEX dashboard live on Sanbase.

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