ETH - Did ETH Foundation mark the local top again?

Assets covered: $ETH

Metrics used: Historical Balance, MVRV 30D, Active Deposits


ETH Foundation recently moved a significant amount of ETH to Kraken, let's see how things went.

Historical Balance

Recent ETH Foundation Historical balance - Sanbase

Looking at the recent historical balance of ETH Foundation, the move of 14,999 ETH has yet again marked the local top for ETH.

That said, not all movement out of ETH Foundation marked the top.

ETH Foundation Historical balance - Sanbase

So far, only 3 instances (marked in green) have seen ETH's price dropped after ETH left the ETH Foundation wallet.

Active Deposits

ETH Active Deposits - Sanbase

The recent move by ETH Foundation seemed to have spooked the market a little as we are seeing highest spikes in Daily Active Deposits for the past 1 year.


ETH MVRV 30D - Sanbase

ETH's MVRV 30D which measures the short-term profit/loss of holders is out of the danger zone and making its way to the Opportunity Zone, where historically, we saw ETH's price bottom out.


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