Emerging trends for Wednesday, 21st August 2019

Andrew Yang wants to Employ Blockchain in voting

If Yang becomes President, the U.S might just see a change in the existing stone-age voting system as Yang proposes a new policy to modernize voting.
"It’s ridiculous that in 2020 we are still standing in line for hours to vote in antiquated voting booths. It is 100% technically possible to have fraud-proof voting on our mobile phone" - Andrew Yang
Read more about it here.
Gemini considers joining Libra Association

According to an interview with CNN, the Winklevoss twins reveal that they are willing to put the past behind and are open to partner with Facebook for the Libra project.
Read more about it here.
Energi's Pizza party
What started out as a casual mention of pizza in Energi's Discord turned into a full blown pizza party with some free $NRG in the mix.

Come to think of it, anyone care for a pizza?
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