Jun 3
$WAVES is being delisted from Binance, and is currently the most rising coin of interest among traders. $TON is also getting a major rise in interest to start the week after more price rises and increased trader interest. Which tokens do you have your eye on right now?
Apr 3
The following assets sit atop the top trending list of #crypto assets that are driving market discussions and sentiment:
1 #Wormhole $W: Trending due to the Wormhole Token Generation Event (TGE) and a massive #airdrop of over 670 million #tokens scheduled for today.
2 #EthenaLabs $ENA: Trending due to the surge in price and #marketcap of Ethena Labs' #governance token
3 #Waves $WAVES: trending due to a proposal to invest $XTN treasury funds into the #WavesIndex (WIND) pool, with the protocol buying tokens using #WAVES from #Neutrino reserves.
Jun 1
There was a small piece of drama yesterday in Social Trends.
A small but sizeable piece of what's going on with the market.
Mostly connected to NSBT, USDN and Sasha Ivanov. What are these?
NSBT ensures USDN stablecoin stability on Waves blockchain. Sasha Ivanov is the founder of Waves. Do you feel a relation to LUNA already? Sasha had an AMA recently with Waves community. AMA recap raised quite some concerns in tokens.
From the contrarian point of view it's not bad. Even it will happen, it will not happen now. The crowd is too concerned. And players like Alameda will act against it.
It can make to the Bundesliga of our topics in crypto with negative background. Sometimes it means it can become even more ridiculous. A ridiculous pump.