Jan 11

📈 As crypto markets move sideways, the following projects have seen massive rises in growth on their respective networks this week, defined as new wallets created:
1) IQ $IQ +2,500%
2) Carv $CARV +1,800%
3) Frax $FRAX +1,283%
4) Safe $SAFE +932%
5) Power Ledger $POWR +523%
6) Raydium $RAY +500%
7) Metal $MTL +350%
8) Smardex $SDEX +317%
9) Devv $DEVVE +297%
10) Frax $FRAX +255%
With rising utility comes rising market values, given enough time. Be patient, wait for Bitcoin to provide profits to be redistributed, and capitalize on projects like these. 💪
Feb 6

📺 The crowd's sentiment toward various #altcoins make a big difference in which ultimately are able to separate from the pack, particularly in flat #crypto market conditions like we're seeing now. Our fresh, new video covers Santiment's highly coveted and impressive Weighted Sentiment metric, and which assets to watch for #FOMO and #FUD!