Insights Pulse Insights

Apr 23

Feb 23

DeFi Assets Create Instant Price Spikes and Euphoric Reactions After Uniswap's Staker Sharing Proposal 23-02-24, 20:29

💸 #DeFi has taken some of the spotlight from the #AI craze. Assets that enable users to lend, borrow, or exchange #crypto without a central authority like $UNI, $COMP, $SUSHI, and $AAVE all spiked in value following a key #Uniswap proposal to reward staked and delegated token holders.

Check out our #DeFi watchlist, where you can track the emerging assets and sort by key #bullish indicators to identify the pumps BEFORE they occur. 😎

Jan 22

Top 10 Trending Tokens Include MANTA Due to New Exchange Listings, Along With Pumping Assets CTSI, ONTO, DOGE, AMP 22-01-24, 18:47

🗣️ Several tokens have seen mid-sized breakouts over the past few days, including $CTSI, $ONDO, $DOGE, $AMP and $MANTA. Pumping assets on the list have a significantly higher probability of correcting in the short-term, or bouncing if they have been dropping.

This is due to the fact that novice traders and the mainstream crowd generally begin discussing them due to their current price narratives, and creating #FOMO-related tops or #FUD-related bottoms. Check out Santiment's top 10 trending tokens here!

Grab a free Sanbase PRO membership and keep tabs on tokens circulating through this list and others! ⬇️

Sep 19

Jun 17

Jun 15

Jun 11